Bit of day 3 and day 4

Well shit my hands hurt. I washed them probably 7 times with intense heavy duty hand cleaner or something and they still have areas of black...ah well

Progress progress progress(well sorta) I got all the exhaust system off which was a pain even with a torque wrench. The thermal reactor is still on because there some bolts that are hard to get at. Come to think of it the only things that are currently attached to the motor are the reactor, intake manifold, and transmission. Everything else: air-pump, water-pump, alternator, distributor, etc. is off. At this point there isn't very much I can do. I take that back there is a ton to do there just isn't anything major to do without all the parts here. I really need to get ahold of an engine hoist and a stand, plus the rotary engine adaptor for the stand, as soon as possible. I guess I'll order the adaptor from pineapple racing but I’m concerned it won’t get here for a while and time is an issue. Actually I'm just really impatient and hate the fwd automatic toyota/lexus *cough*junk*cough* that I'm in now. Also I can’t do anything else substantial without them, primarily clean the engine and engine bay, followed by painting.
So cleaning wise I did the wheels and buffed the edges so they shine quite a bit now and look much better. Ill post before and after pictures

I'm planning to do the carb rebuild tomorrow depending on how much time I've got and then just clean parts after that. Speaking of cleaning, I want to recommend a product that is simply ridiculous its so good. I found it through one of my friend's step-dad and then bought some of my own because I liked it so much. We all call it purple cleaner but the retail name is black scorpion or something. Anyway it's just a really strong base cleaner that just dissolves away pretty much anything(depending on how watered down the purple cleaner is).
Yea theres a pretty substantially sizrd sized chip in the picture....(how bad is it acutally and do i have to replace something??)  Also am i missing something when it comes to taking off the pulleys? I have tried soo hard but to no avial.     

just a shot of the engine

intake manifold

Parts im trashing...

The good old nikki :)

And heres what i polished;)

 Ok im exhausted and subsequently am not responsable for any mess ups and what not...


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