The rundown

So I've had this old 1980 rx7 sitting in my driveway for the past year or so. In most respects it’s in excellent condition, hardly any rust, relatively low mile, very vintage looking, and even black. Whether its in running condition is debatable. It could use just about new everything; unsurprising considering the past 30 years of wear and tare. Being the avid rotary engine fan I am, I decided to finally get off my ass and restore it bumper to bumper(don’t hold me to that though) so that it can be something of a daily driver. 

Anyway, parts cost money as most things tend to and quite a bit at that. Of course having a negligible income coupled with constant parental naggings of "You should SAVE your money!" would have squashed any "big spender" attitude right then and there. But then why would I be here at three in the morning starting this blog? That’s right, I was moping in front of the computer with my $5000 dream online shopping cart from when I thought of the feeling of being behind the wheel of an FB and of the sensation of going sideways in one. Thoughts of fiscal responsibility quickly vanished as I hit the “checkout” button.

The point however, is that I have decided to blog the restoration process in the hopes that it will not only be a possible resource for others but mainly be an aid to me. Ill start with the first batch of pictures, along with all the specs, parts I ordered, and general mechanical goodness tomorrow. It’s late.


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